Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Essay about Malcolm X and Gandhi - 568 Words

The famous Mahatma Gandhi and Malcolm X left behind legacies that still influence the world today. One of the major factors that impacted these two historical figures was religion. The characteristics of Hinduism definitely had an effect on Gandhi’s peaceful and nonviolent views, just like the Islamic religion guided Malcolm X’s beliefs of by any means necessary. Their religious affiliations were not only deciding factors in their lives, but also played a key part in their deaths Gandhi’s Hinduism and Malcolm X’s Islamic beliefs share some similar views and many vastly diverse ones. Both believe in one Supreme Being or one true God and in divine beings or angels that help promote the will of this Deity. This is one of the few†¦show more content†¦These churches never left much of a lasting impression and caused him to have little respect for anything representing religion until later in life (X 5). It was during his prison sentence that Malcolm X first became exposed and converted to the Islamic religion. While Gandhi stuck to one faith and Malcolm X was exposed to several, they both became much more interested in their prospective religions in their twenties. Both Gandhi and Malcolm X were murdered due to their religious affiliations and beliefs, albeit for slightly different reasons and in different ways. After one failed attempt, Gandhi was shot three times by his assassin, Nathuram Godse. Godse was a Hindu who was connected to the extremist Hindu Mahasabha group that had condemned Gandhi for his nonviolence principles and for favoring the formation of Pakistan. There is evidence that supports that Godse was acting on behalf of his leader and group. Malcolm X was also targeted and killed by a religious group, the Nation of Islam. However, this was a group he had once been a popular minister of. What drove him away from it was when he learned of the leader’s, Elijah Muhammad, shortcomings and hypocrisy. Their relationship quickly deteriorated from that point and he soon resigned his position. After renouncing Muhammad, he was marked for assassination and several attempts were made on his life. It wasn’t long before his enem ies were successful. Malcolm X was charged on stage byShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Civil-Rights Movements Of Gandhi And Malcolm X879 Words   |  4 Pagesoverlooked flaw or exaggerated prejudice against a certain situation. The Important influencers include that of Dr. Martin Luther Kings non-violent protests, and their efforts for an equal and safe America, the Civil-Rights movements of the 1960s or Gandhi and Malcolm Xs peaceful protest way. All Four found a peaceful way to have a common genuine effort for change in a situation that the leaders of our country fail to deem as an extremely poor guidance for our country. 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