Thursday, February 13, 2020

Six Sigma Quality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Six Sigma Quality - Essay Example Wide spread of this concept has led to unreasonable growth of supervising personnel. Up to 40 and more percent of strength of workers involved in manufacture, that in its turn has caused irrational increase of expenses for quality management and, hence, has lowered efficiency of production. As a result in 20th the attention of managers has moved from rejection of production in the process of its yield to quality control in the process of manufacture. The most significant role of this stage was played by Mr. Shuhart, Western Electric company's employee, who suggested to apply statistical methods (known now as Shuhart control charts), which allowed to increase qualitative products yield in the process of production. However improvement of separately taken process has been often restrained by inefficiency of other fields of companies' activity. This problem has been solved owing to activity of Japan manufacturers who, having collided with a strong competition from the side of foreign pr oducts, have decided to take steps for improvement of quality at simultaneous decrease of net cost. They have invited American experts Deming and Juran, who worked the program consisted of 14 items, and based on improvement of entire company's management system, on direct participation of management in all quality issues of company, and on stimulation of personnel to qualitative labor activity. It appeared a 'Zero Defect' concept. New approaches have led to growth of quality produced goods and decrease of expenses for their manufacturing. However the qualitative product still was understood as production being congruent with norms, established by the manufacturer, instead of by consumers. In this connection the high-quality goods sometimes did not go through. From the middle of 60th of twentieth century manufacturers were focused on better satisfaction of consumers' demands. At this stage appeared the theory of reliability and system of the automated designing of works. As a result of analysis of industrial systems it was found out, that the reason of a better part of defects (about 80 %) is insufficient quality of design works. That is why before testing of samples in real conditions they began to conduct mathematical modeling of products and processes of manufacture properties. It has considerably raised efficiency of developmental works.Six Sigma Today companies use various technologies for decrease of costs, satisfaction of requirements of clients, reduction of terms of development and yield of production to the market. In order to transform consumers' demands into technical requirements to products and their manufacture, it is often conducted the functional-cost analysis (the analysis of expenses for manufacture of a product with the purpose to decrease its cost price); the analysis of opportunities of occurrence and influence of defects of a developed product on consumers; the is functional-physical analysis (the analysis of quality of technology projects, principles of product and its components working). At this stage the quantity of concepts of quality management grows. Despite of otherness of names and used tools, they have been based on the same principles. Quality can be presented in the form of a five-pointed star, in the basis of which lays documented, the formalized organizational system of quality manage

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Fast Food the Unhealthy Road Taken Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Fast Food the Unhealthy Road Taken - Essay Example This is a clear indication that most people  consume  fast foods (Knechtges 2011). Currently, it is true that most people are  busy  due to  commitment  with many responsibilities. As a result, time spent while cooking food has reduced drastically. Therefore, the only option that is convenient  to the majority is the use of fast foods. This has enabled t fast food industry to be successful in recent years. Moreover, the industry’s ability to deliver a consistent quality of food in a large geographical area, and at a fair price has contributed significantly to its growth. Frequent users, of fast foods state that they  like  taking them because of  limited  time that does not  allow  them to  move long distances in search for alternatives. However, one of the most  essential  issues that most people forget concerning fast foods is their lack of  nutrition  value. Considering there are families, who depend entirely  on fast foods throughout t he day without worrying about the nutritional value or the long-term impacts of fast foods on an  individual’s health. One of the main  impacts  related with fast foods is that it makes one  overweight  i.e. obese. This is so because fast foods have  low  fiber concentration, high concentration of carbohydrates, and high level of fat  concentration. These are the elements or characteristics making people consuming fast foods to put on weight.  According to research, it is clear that, most countries where  fast  foods  are highly consumed, majority  of  the population are overweight or obese.  In addition,  most of the  young population  ends up becoming obese or overweight. Over time, obesity or overweight leads to other health problems especially of the heart.... This essay approves that people who prefer to go for a high proportion that may not be healthy instead of considering a healthy and reasonable amount end up endangering their lives. Recently, there has been negative publicity about fast foods. As a result, people have come up with alternatives to solve negative issues associated with fast foods. In addition, the fast foods restaurants have incorporated fruit juice, fruits, and salads alongside the meals or foods sold in their restaurants. A majority of health foundations has approved this because their intention is to ensure that customers consume a balanced and nutritious diet. However, despite attempts to offer a balanced diet, prices charged are high compared to those charged for the unhealthy options such as fast foods. As a result, majority of customers does not consider buying them, but instead prefer the unhealthy option. In most cases, due to the addictive nature of unhealthy foods, young children are enticed to make unhealth y choices. This report makes a conclusion that regular consumption of fast foods leads to significant health hazards. Although people are aware of this fact, incorporating change in their eating habits is not an easy task. Consequently, it is essential to commence change; it is essential to start with basic changes such as a reduction of the frequency of fast food consumption. Instead, people should focus on consumption of home cooked foods that have plenty of vegetables, fruits, and fresh foods. This way, cases of obesity or overweight will reduce. In cases of children, parents should encourage them to take fruits instead of fast foods thus reducing chances of overweight by the under age population.